How Your Donations have already helped
Handicapped accessible restrooms
Maintenance free siding on theatre
Paint for exterior of actors housing
Repaint front of theatre
Move set shop next to theatre
New Stage
New state of the art sound system
Current Fort Peck Theatre Projects...
Upkeep & Maintenance of lighting/sound system
Upgrade appliances in actors housing
Gutters for concession addition & Existing Theatre
How Your Donation Makes a Difference
Did you know that only 40% of ticket price covers the cost of running the Fort Peck Theatre? The remainder is provided by our wonderful sponsors, grants, fundraising efforts and donations from you, our patrons.
As well as monetary donations, the Fort Peck Summer Theatre is always in need of tools, costumes, furniture & household goods, etc. And as always, an extra volunteer hand if you are available.
Your donation and support is appreciated in helping the Fort Peck Fine Arts Council meet our goal of making the Theatre the best in Montana!
Additional funding provided by:​

We are funded in part by coal severance taxes paid based upon coal mined in Montana and deposited in Montana’s cultural and aesthetic projects trust fund